The “Pathway to Silence, Doorway to Memory” is a proposal to increase the appreciation of an area of extraordinary historical and environmental interest, located on the Altopiano dei Sette Comuni in the high Valle Campomulo (near Campomuletto).
This area is preserved in its integrity and all its beauty, with stretches of conifer woods and pastures furrowed by paths and glades, where boulders of off-white limestone lie scattered, smoothed and shaped by water and wind.
The peace and tranquillity of the place cannot mask the tragedy of the Great War, which ninety years ago spread death and destruction throughout the Altopiano. The attentive eye of the visitor can still espy, among the firs and little valleys, the signs of the War: emplacements, dug-outs, shelters, trenches, former graveyards…
“Pathway to Silence, Doorway to Memory” was inspired by the force that emanates from this place.
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